Why Pledge?
Every year, the United Church of Rowayton asks its members to pledge, to promise to financially contribute to the church. These are not easy times for any of us. Why should people give their hard-earned money to their church?
Giving is how we partner in and become part of the Church’s ministry. It pays for:
- for the outreach program that helps thousands in need in our immediate community and the world,
- the Christian Education program that touches the lives of children and adults,
- the music heard in our services,
- the Care Giving ministry that reaches out to those who are suffering, and
- all other programs that make up the life of this church.
Giving also:
- helps the United Church of Rowayton to be the Church by helping others and making a difference,
- funds those who tirelessly minister to us,
- lets us touch people’s souls through worship services, baptisms, and marriages,
- is how we invest in something that truly matters to us, and
- is one way in which we glorify God and how we can respond to God’s grace.
Oh… and it helps pay our bills so we can do all of these things!
Financially, each church in the United Church of Christ is 100% autonomous. There is no diocese that bails out the local church. Members own the responsibility to support their church.
Download the Stewardship Committee’s 2024 pledge letter.
If you already pledged this year, THANK YOU! And if not, here’s the form:
Pledge Today
Pledge Online
Gifting and Planned Giving
The Board of Household Concern’s Planned Giving/Special Gifts Committee is responsible for enhancing the Church’s endowment fund and assists individuals in gift planning. Gifting includes:
Outright Gift and Deferred Gift: The simplest way of giving. Subject to limitations, these gifts are tax-deductible.
Bequests by Will: Such bequests are excluded in calculating your estate taxes. The United Church of Rowayton can be included in new wills or added to an existing will via a codicil.
Life Insurance: Name the United Church of Rowayton as a beneficiary or co-beneficiary of your policy. Subject to limitations, the premium payment may be available as a tax deduction.
Gifts of Securities or Property: A gift of securities or real estate offers special tax advantages to the donor concerned with long-term or short-term capital gains.
Creation of a Trust: A trust may be designed to meet any special set of circumstances to guarantee family needs and eventually pay principal or income to the United Church of Rowayton.
Laws change, so always check with your tax advisor.