What is a Pledge?

In the United Church of Christ, each church operates autonomously in business matters. This means it is responsible for generating its own income. Unlike other denominations, the UCC does not consist of a hierarchical structure that will make up a church’s shortfall.

Typically, UCC churches receive most of their income in the form of pledges made by their members. A pledge is a written document that indicates a member’s intention to donate a specific amount in the coming year in a payment schedule that is convenient.

Pledging is a Christian practice that has theological roots. God blessed us with the ability to work and live, and pledging is a way in which we joyfully honor God by giving back an amount that is appropriate to our ability in order to do God’s work. Pledging is not tithing; instead, it is a statement of intent or commitment that is part of a lifestyle of generosity.

In the United Church of Rowayton, the Stewardship Committee oversees the pledge drive. The Stewardship Committee is an appointed committee established annually by the Board of Household Concerns.

Stewardship 2021

November 23, 2020

2021 Building on a Strong Foundation

“They who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength” Isaiah 40:31
Jesus spoke to the gathered people about God’s love and how that love would help them face the challenges of life with hope and compassion. He then said, “These are foundational words, words to build a life on. If you work these words into your life, you are like a smart carpenter who built his house on solid rock. Rain poured down, the river flooded, a tornado hit—but nothing moved that house. It was fixed to the rock.

Matthew 7:24-25 (The Message translation)

Dear Members and Friends,

I believe Jesus means that before you build anything in life you first need to build a strong foundation that will hold the structure in place. Over these past 35 years, the people of this church, have shown me that they share this belief and together we have built a strong foundation.

Our 2021 Stewardship theme is Building on a Strong Foundation Our pledge goal for 2021 is $400,000. Your financial commitment to our Family of Faith will help to sustain our ministry and mission as we strive to continue building on our strong and solid foundation.

2020 has been an extremely difficult and challenging year as our Family of Faith has faced the reality of COVID 19 and struggled with how different things have been. And yet, we have remained financially and spiritually solid because of our strong foundation.

On Thursday, October 8th, I had a serious stroke, which caused paralysis to the left side of my body. I am working hard in physical therapy to regain my strength. My doctors and therapists are hopeful because I was in such good physical condition prior to having the stroke and that I am building on such a strong core. However, there is so much more than that. I am hopeful because I have the love and tremendous support of my family and my Family of Faith. Your outpouring of love, cards and prayers are inspiring me to be strong, be patient, stay positive, and not to give up! As I do my rehab, building on that foundation, I know in my heart as we look toward 2021 that we all will be renewed. “They who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength”

We will be together again sharing an even stronger ministry.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, let us all be grateful as we make our personal commitment and pledge this year so that our Family of Faith may continue to build upon our strong foundation serving and helping others, living our love and compassion!

“The way is long, let us go together. The way is ours, let us go in love.
The way is joyful, let us share it. The way opens before us, let us begin”

With Gratitude and Love,
Pastor John Livingston

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