The Emig Fund Grant, named in honor of Reverend Donald W. Emig, founder of The United Church of Rowayton and its pastor for forty years, is administered by the Board of Christian Outreach (BOCO).  Its mission is to improve the lives of those in need in the greater Norwalk area with love and compassion.  Each year, BOCO may award Emig Fund Grants to  agencies that mirror BOCO’s mission in charitable, religious, literacy, and educational areas. (NOTE: this grants program is independent from BOCO’s benevolence program.)

Agencies applying for an Emig Fund Grant must be tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code and engaged in work that aligns with the Board of Christian Outreach’s mission (Click to read about BOCO).

Completed applications may be mailed or submitted via email.   If emailed, submit the application and other documents as PDFs ( no later than November 30, 2023.  If mailed, they must be postmarked no later than November 30, 2023 (Emig Fund Grant, United Church of Rowayton, 210 Rowayton Avenue, Rowayton CT  06853).

All applications will be collected together and reviewed by the Board at one time.  Funding decisions are announced by mail on February 11, 2024.

Click to download a Word .doc application.

Click to download a pdf format application.



Yvette Eenkema Van Djik

Chair, Emig Fund Grant